Warm up JOSEFSTADT by Brutal Assault 2021 – Nároďák fest

It warms up for the second time WARM UP in Nároďák Jaroměř fans of little Brutal, which has a name this year JOSEFSTADT!!!

And who will take care of a proper musical charge?

POPPY SEED GRINDER – Brutal Death Metal / HC Prague

CR0W T0 CR0W – Death Metal / HC Lomnice Nad Popelkou

Tribe of Misery – Death Metal / Deathcore Olomouc

Asperra – Metal Hýskov

Okult– Metal Kuks

Hystos –  Grind Nový Bydžov

You can also look forward to an excellent beer. It will be on the pin again Prémium from the brewery Chotěboř!!!

Many thanks to the agency Obscure Production.

TICKET OFFICE: http://www.narodakjaromer.cz/warm-up-josefstadt-by-brutal-assault-2021-narodak-fest/


FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/513229083210943?active_tab=about

Mail: info@narodakjaromer.cz

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